Robert Bridgeman


Stoppen met vlees is een 100 % non- profit project om aandacht te vragen voor de effecten van onze vleesconsumptie op dierenwelzijn, milieu en gezondheid. Zonder wijzend vingertje, maar op basis van respect, onderzoek en feiten.

Robert Bridgeman is a documentary maker, coach and speaker wanting to raise awareness to the world. His “Quitting Meat” project aims to draw attention to the effects of meat consumption without pointing fingers. Based on respect, research and facts, he investigates the effects of animal consumption on our health, animal welfare and the environment. His findings led him on his own journey from a meat lover, to a vegetarian, and ultimately, a vegan. Besides his book and documentary film, Bridgeman founded an online platform to inspire people to eat more consciously.


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